PHP − indicates the earliest version of PHP that supports the Predefined Array Functions.
Sr.No | Function | Description | PHP Version |
1 | array() | Create an array | 3 |
2 | array_change_key_case() | Returns an array with all keys in lowercase or uppercase | 4 |
3 | array_chunk() | Splits an array into chunks of arrays | 4 |
4 | array_combine() | Creates an array by using one array for keys and another for its values | 5 |
5 | array_count_values() | Returns an array with the number of occurrences for each value | 4 |
6 | array_diff() | Compares array values, and returns the differences | 4 |
7 | array_diff_assoc() | Compares array keys and values, and returns the differences | 4 |
8 | array_diff_key() | Compares array keys, and returns the differences | 5 |
9 | array_diff_uassoc() | Compares array keys and values, with an additional user-made function check, and returns the differences | 5 |
10 | array_diff_ukey() | Compares array keys, with an additional user-made function check, and returns the differences | 5 |
11 | array_fill() | Fills an array with values | 4 |
12 | array_fill_keys() | Fill an array with values, specifying keys | 5 |
13 | array_filter() | Filters elements of an array using a user-made function | 4 |
14 | array_flip() | Exchanges all keys with their associated values in an array | 4 |
15 | array_intersect() | Compares array values, and returns the matches | 4 |
16 | array_intersect_assoc() | Compares array keys and values, and returns the matches | 4 |
17 | array_intersect_key() | Compares array keys, and returns the matches | 5 |
18 | array_intersect_uassoc() | Compares array keys and values, with an additional user-made function check, and returns the matches | 5 |
19 | array_intersect_ukey() | Compares array keys, with an additional user-made function check, and returns the matches | 5 |
20 | array_key_exists() | Checks if the specified key exists in the array | 4 |
21 | array_keys() | Returns all the keys of an array | 4 |
22 | array_map() | Sends each value of an array to a user-made function, which returns new values | 4 |
23 | array_merge() | Merges one or more arrays into one array | 4 |
24 | array_merge_recursive() | Merges one or more arrays into one array | 4 |
25 | array_multisort() | Sorts multiple or multi-dimensional arrays | 4 |
26 | array_pad() | Inserts a specified number of items, with a specified value, to an array | 4 |
27 | array_pop() | Deletes the last element of an array | 4 |
28 | array_product() | Calculates the product of the values in an array | 5 |
29 | array_push() | Inserts one or more elements to the end of an array | 4 |
30 | array_rand() | Returns one or more random keys from an array | 4 |
31 | array_reduce() | Returns an array as a string, using a user-defined function | 4 |
32 | array_reverse() | Returns an array in the reverse order | 4 |
33 | array_search() | Searches an array for a given value and returns the key | 4 |
34 | array_shift() | Removes the first element from an array, and returns the value of the removed element | 4 |
35 | array_slice() | Returns selected parts of an array | 4 |
36 | array_splice() | Removes and replaces specified elements of an array | 4 |
37 | array_sum() | Returns the sum of the values in an array | 4 |
38 | array_udiff() | Compares array values in a user-made function and returns an array | 5 |
39 | array_udiff_assoc() | Compares array keys, and compares array values in a user-made function, and returns an array | 5 |
40 | array_udiff_uassoc() | Compares array keys and array values in user-made functions, and returns an array | 5 |
41 | array_uintersect() | Compares array values in a user-made function and returns an array | 5 |
42 | array_uintersect_assoc() | Compares array keys, and compares array values in a user-made function, and returns an array | 5 |
43 | array_uintersect_uassoc() | Compares array keys and array values in user-made functions, and returns an array | 5 |
44 | array_unique() | Removes duplicate values from an array | 4 |
45 | array_unshift() | Adds one or more elements to the beginning of an array | 4 |
46 | array_values() | Returns all the values of an array | 4 |
47 | array_walk() | Applies a user function to every member of an array | 3 |
48 | array_walk_recursive() | Applies a user function recursively to every member of an array | 5 |
49 | arsort() | Sorts an array in reverse order and maintain index association | 3 |
50 | asort() | Sorts an array and maintain index association | 3 |
51 | compact() | Create array containing variables and their values | 4 |
52 | count() | Counts elements in an array, or properties in an object | 3 |
53 | current() | Returns the current element in an array | 3 |
54 | each() | Returns the current key and value pair from an array | 3 |
55 | end() | Sets the internal pointer of an array to its last element | 3 |
56 | extract() | Imports variables into the current symbol table from an array | 3 |
57 | in_array() | Checks if a specified value exists in an array | 4 |
58 | key() | Fetches a key from an array | 3 |
59 | krsort() | Sorts an array by key in reverse order | 3 |
60 | ksort() | Sorts an array by key | 3 |
61 | list() | Assigns variables as if they were an array | 3 |
62 | natcasesort() | Sorts an array using a case insensitive "natural order" algorithm | 4 |
63 | natsort() | Sorts an array using a "natural order" algorithm | 4 |
64 | next() | Advance the internal array pointer of an array | 3 |
65 | pos() | Alias of current() | 3 |
66 | prev() | Rewinds the internal array pointer | 3 |
67 | range() | Creates an array containing a range of elements | 3 |
68 | reset() | Sets the internal pointer of an array to its first element | 3 |
69 | rsort() | Sorts an array in reverse order | 3 |
70 | shuffle() | Shuffles an array | 3 |
71 | sizeof() | Alias of count() | 3 |
72 | sort() | Sorts an array | 3 |
73 | uasort() | Sorts an array with a user-defined function and maintain index association | 3 |
74 | uksort() | Sorts an array by keys using a user-defined function | 3 |
75 | usort() | Sorts an array by values using a user-defined function | 3 |
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